What is The Coalition for Hither Woods?

The Coalition for Hither Woods, is a not-for-profit Montauk-based environmental organization dedicated to preserving the existing public parkland known as Hither Woods.

In 1982 the Coalition for Hither Woods was formed to preserve 1,357 acres of privately owned land at Hither Woods, and make it public parkland. In March 2002 that impossible dream was realized.

The Coalition for Hither Woods will relentlessly advocate to protect and preserve the land area Hither Woods in Montauk, as parkland, natural habitat, and open space for the benefit of animal and plant species indigenous to Hither Woods, for the protection of Montauk’s freshwater aquifer and drinking water resources, and for human enjoyment and appreciation.

We will oppose any and all activities which could damage, destroy, or imperil the natural and open space qualities of Hither Woods, so that Hither Woods remains as nearly as possible in its intact natural state, in order to maintain its exceptional wild and scenic character, its value as wildlife habitat, and its recreational benefits for hiking, hunting, horseback riding, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing and similar outdoor activities.

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